
Mirror of Heaven

"Haishan" is a traditional Chinese-style cultivation roguelite game. Set in a world where the revival of spiritual Qi has awakened demons that wreak havoc on the modern world, you traverse ancient realms with the aid of the "Kunlun Mirror," embarking on a journey of cultivation.

[h2][b]更新内容[/b][/h2] [olist] [*] 修复了因为存档而导致的大量bug [*] 修复了加载时可能出现的闪屏bug [*] 修复了玩家出生时浮在空中,并且朝向有问题的bug [*] 修复了因为数值bug造成的无尽模式难度陡增。 [*] 调整了所有怪物的攻击前摇,并且增加的转身时间 [*] 新增受击动作,所有单位在受到攻击后都有相应的受击动作 [*] 重做了九尾狐一部分招式,降低了战斗难度。 [/olist]