
Mirror of Heaven

"Haishan" is a traditional Chinese-style cultivation roguelite game. Set in a world where the revival of spiritual Qi has awakened demons that wreak havoc on the modern world, you traverse ancient realms with the aid of the "Kunlun Mirror," embarking on a journey of cultivation.

1.修复一部分因为技能位移卡出地图的bug 2.修复巫族手链无法升级的bug 3.修复拥有【定海珠】时,会将永久增益buff移除的bug 4.修复了增益buff刷新时,持续时间会翻倍的bug 5.修复了金灵气的算法bug 6.修复了【战争领域】伤害区域异常的bug 7.在功法随机上进行了优化,获得自身大道的功法概率变高了 8.法宝【黄泉魂珠】增强。 9.法宝【金灵石】增强。 10.招式【噬命夺魄斩】获得增强,攻击范围变大 11.新增招式【无暇雷霆】——雷之大道,守护大道。 12.【阴阳神霄雷】获得被动效果:暴击率提高10% 13.【灵魂大道】增强 14.【雷之大道】重做