
Mirror of Heaven

"Haishan" is a traditional Chinese-style cultivation roguelite game. Set in a world where the revival of spiritual Qi has awakened demons that wreak havoc on the modern world, you traverse ancient realms with the aid of the "Kunlun Mirror," embarking on a journey of cultivation.

1.修复森林沙漠偶尔会吞奖励的bug 2.修复特效出现丢失的问题 3.修复神藏穴不生效的bug 4.修复阵法大道显示出现问题的bug 5.提高BOSS提供的精粹数量 6.提高【逆转阴阳】的基础伤害 7.提高【阴阳神霄雷】基础伤害 8.提高【阴阳灵能】基础伤害 9.提高【生死轮回剑】基础伤害 10.武器【剑】更名【起源】,武器效果获得加强,新增三条羁绊效果 11.武器【血海】加强,伤害与生存能力增强 12.招式【震雷瞬身阵】增强,获得被动:施放位移招式时获得无敌