PhaigeX: Hyperspace Survivors

PhaigeX is a fast-paced "Bullet Heaven" space shooter that tasks the player to explore various space sectors and contain a rising incursion of rogue AI-controlled units. Pilot a variety of ships, call in the support craft, and use a myriad of upgrades to lay down heavy firepower towards the enemy.

Welcome back, PhaigeX employees! After we got impressions and feedback of the new alter ship skins from you people, we made a lot of adjustments to them that will make their distinct play style more apparent and effective. A lot of bugs were squashed along the way as well! [h2]Gameplay Changes[/h2] [list] [*][h3]Clusterforce Alter Skin[/h3] - Modified [Energy Cluster] deals area damage on explosion, and it leaves a lingering blast radius that further damages enemies coming in contact [*][h3]Monarch Alter Skin[/h3] - Ship size adjustment [*][h3]Fortress Alter Skin[/h3] - Removed the "disable weapons for the duration" limitation on the modified [Full Burst] - Increased fire rate of explosive missiles on the modified [Full Burst] [*][h3]Mirage Alter Skin[/h3] - Damage, area size and visual effect adjustments for the modified [Blink] cloud - Modified [Blink] cloud it is not a hazard to the player ship anymore (no slowdowns and friendly fire) [*][h3]Pluvia Alter Skin[/h3] - Modified [T.A.G. System] Aiming Laser lines (not just the endpoints) are now damaging to enemies [*][h3]Arbalest Alter Skin[/h3] - Adjustments to modified [Burst Shell] Breach mode cluster explosions, going from number of explosions to cluster explosion duration for upgrades [*][h3]Oracle Alter Skin[/h3] - Hacking signal for both [Firewall Buster] versions (SP Tech single press) is usable even if converted units exist - Adjustments to the teleport positioning of converted units - Changed the off-screen marker color to allied for converted units [*][h3]Demolition Mode[/h3] - Destroying a turret component reduces the Energy Core's health once, but the Energy Core's health cannot go lower than 5% in this manner (still need to shoot the core to destroy it) - Clearing Demolition Mode guarantees a 3-star modifier reward if available to give [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*][h3]Pluvia's [T.A.G. System][/h3] - Corrected [T.A.G. System] lock-on locations on Megalith segments [*][h3]Oracle's [Firewall Buster][/h3] - Fixed the hold down function (self-destruct/warp to position) calling continuously while being held down [*][h3]Arbalest Alter Skin's Modified [Burst Shell][/h3] - Fixed Breach mode failing to call cluster explosions on hit [*][h3]Weapon: [Plasma Blade][/h3] - Fixed behavior where it stays active during [Armed Override] with either Garuda or Scarab support craft [*][h3]Enemy Drones[/h3] - Corrected behavior: contact with stage hazards destroys them [*][h3]Harbinger and Omen Bosses[/h3] - Corrected thrusters effects layering over core sprite [*][h3]Shop UI[/h3] - Corrected missing header texts for Stat Up upgrades [/list] Leave it to us to increase the level of satisfaction of piloting the ships that you love. We hope these changes will increase the productivity of your work as well. Towards a brighter future, The PhaigeX MegaCorp.