2/27/2024 PATCH NOTES

PhaigeX: Hyperspace Survivors

PhaigeX is a fast-paced "Bullet Heaven" space shooter that tasks the player to explore various space sectors and contain a rising incursion of rogue AI-controlled units. Pilot a variety of ships, call in the support craft, and use a myriad of upgrades to lay down heavy firepower towards the enemy.

We got your back, PhaigeX employees! As expected of the new Demolition update, bug reports have been popping up left and right. Do not worry, our people here at Development are ready to listen, identify, and deal with the incoming issues to keep the work environment running. [h2]Gameplay Changes[/h2] [list] [*][h3]Pluvia [T.A.G. System] Changes[/h3] - When a tagged ship gets destroyed before shooting the guided laser, the tag goes back to be used for another target [*][h3]Oracle [Firewall Buster] Changes[/h3] - SP Tech button press is now dedicated to the conversion part, allowing to capture units without the need to self-destruct the currently converted ones - Holding down the SP Tech button activates the alternate function (self-destruct/warp to ship) on converted units. - Converted units now have their non-destroyed sectors repaired to full health [*][h3]Incursion Event: Warp Bombs[/h3] - Adjustments to spawn range so those will not spawn exactly on the player's ship location [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*][h3][Composite armor] not triggering passive cooldown reduction[/h3] [*][h3]Singularity Vortex slingshots the player ship after the game is unpaused[/h3] [*][h3]Selling Point Defense Laser while firing bugs out[/h3] [*][h3]UI tutorial bug for firing mode[/h3] [*][h3]Support ship not unlocking after doing the achievements[/h3] [/list] [h2]2/28/2024 Hot fixes[/h2] [list] [*][h3]Pluvia lock on bug fixed[/h3] [*][h3]Alt-Skin unlock window appearing on Demolition mode even though Alt-Skin is already unlocked.[/h3] [/list] We will remain on bug-fixing duty for a while, so keep the feedback and suggestions coming, those are pretty much appreciated. Towards a brighter future, The PhaigeX MegaCorp.