PhaigeX: Hyperspace Survivors

PhaigeX is a fast-paced "Bullet Heaven" space shooter that tasks the player to explore various space sectors and contain a rising incursion of rogue AI-controlled units. Pilot a variety of ships, call in the support craft, and use a myriad of upgrades to lay down heavy firepower towards the enemy.

Welcome back, Confiners! Hyperspace Campaign development is ongoing! The team has been making some adjustments to the new game mode to have a more unique experience compared to the existing ones. Please enjoy what we have in store with these changes. [h2]Game Updates[/h2] [list] [*][h3]HYPERSPACE CAMPAIGN CHANGES[/h3] - In Hyperspace Campaign, [b]Incursion Rate now does not increase during battle, but as a result of events taking place.[/b] Some events can trigger drastic rises in Incursion Rate, making the player's choice of action have more weight. - [b]As Sector Clear Progress increase, so does the rise in Incursion Rate[/b], hence difficulty spikes in the late game. - [b]At the end of every event, the Support Craft now automatically gets called[/b], giving an opportunity to prepare before warping to the next sector. - There is now [b]no limit to the number of escort ships you can recruit from event rewards[/b]. [*][h3]NEW CAMPAIGN EVENT TYPES[/h3] - Non-battle events that can [b]affect Sector Clear Progress and/or Incursion Rate[/b] - [b]Base Defense[/b] (defend an allied base from invading enemy ships) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43842456/bbcf21437e19364709f364d7270be71b26be47cd.png[/img] - [b]Special Missions[/b] (one-time limited events with high risk-high rewards) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43842456/d48e90226787f24d579cf1a7e95d2c5f4f35c39f.png[/img] [*][h3]NEW TITLE SCREEN UI[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43842456/22964c59a2453d298759fd99fb90cdf2807ab28b.png[/img] [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Various issues within Supply Depot events [*] Space background generation issue on game modes other than Hyperspace Campaign [/list] These updates are only available in the Beta branch, so you know the drill. [h2]To access the Beta Branch[/h2] [olist] [*] Right-click PhaigeX at the Game Library list [*] Click on Properties [*] Click on Betas [*] Under Private Betas, enter the code: [b]poweroverwhelming[/b] [*] Select your beta participation to [b]betabranch[/b] and you're good to go! [/olist] Towards a brighter future, The PhaigeX MegaCorp.