20XX is a roguelike action platformer that you can play with a friend. Jump and shoot your way through ever-changing levels, collect awesome new powers, and battle mighty bosses in the name of saving the human race maybe!
--TEST PATCH 1.31.0 --
Hello! Today's 20XX 1.31.0 test patch fixes some bugs, allows XInput control detection (finally!), makes a few Hawk changes (buffs), and allows Draco an alternate way to use his Dracocharges. It also enables stick-look on controllers!
Thanks for playing early!
REMINDER: to get into the test build, right click 20XX in your Library, click Properties, then the Betas tab, then pick "20xxtest" from the dropdown. You'll know it worked if the game name changes to "20XX [20xxtest]" in your Library list. This build is compatible with 1.30.4, so it still has daily/weekly challenges and online co-op enabled.
NOTE: The addition of a new keybind will reset your controls. (It should only happen the first time you load 1.31.0.)
[*]Stick-look enabled on controllers that support it!
[*]When playing, the right stick can now be used to pan the camera in any direction, up to a distance of about half a screen.
[*]The camera will naturally gravitate back toward its normal resting point if you move away from your pan direction. (For example, if you pan to the right, the camera will re-center itself as you move left.)
[*]Pressing in the right stick re-centers the camera.
[*]This feature is disabled in enclosed spaces (shops, boss rooms/hallways) where it's not super useful anyway.
[*]This functionality is not currently available on keyboards. If you'd like to see it, help suggest sensible defaults - we're not sure this feature makes sense without a controller, but we'd love to support keyboard use if possible.
[*]The goal is to give players a little more control over what they see, especially when moving purely vertically, or very quickly horizontally - let us know how it feels!
[*]Hawk changes! We'll revisit if we've gone overboard here.
[*]Hawk now has four Power Slots.
[*]Hawk's Siphon attacks that kill an enemy are now guaranteed to restore at least 1 NRG.
[*]World Igniter NRG cost reduced by 20%.
[*]Seeking Striker damage increased by 25%.
[*]Added a new keybind! For Draco, this key is an alternate way to trigger Dracocharged attacks. For Hawk, this key is Power 4.
[*]Added a "disable up-to-charge" option for Draco players who prefer to only use the new keybind.
[*]Fixed an issue causing AL's cage to break early.
[*]Fixed a rare issue causing the tutorial to affect the next run's Aug drops.