【1106】V1.0.42f Patch Updates

1.0.42f2 ------------- added ------------- Added frog skin, use frog skin with frog scarecrow ------------- tweaked ------------- -Added emoticons to all characters when attacked -Improved the hit determination of Abyssal Eyeballs -Now the curse “Expired Resources” no longer works when the player goes through the episode -Slightly optimized spell performance -Iterated floating character effects -Iteration of the main interface -Tuned monster models affected by arachnophobia. -Reduced the volume of the falling hammers hitting the ground -Relic and curse can now be viewed with a joystick in the character interface and settlement interface. -Optimized the underlying object pool code, which theoretically improves spell performance slightly -Improved the way to determine head damage of cannibalism, fixed the problem that firebreathing can't damage the head of cannibalism. ------------- fixed ------------- -Fixed the problem that female characters have no sound when they die -Fixed the misplaced description of the Waddler. -Level fine-tuning and fixes -Text fixes -Fix the issue where the randomized items that appeared in the Key of Reboot were not counted in the artifacts -Fixed the issue where cursing Sneaky Monster would prevent movement under certain circumstances. -Fixes the issue where flying relics would fly higher and higher if you hit a beetle's shell with Lightning Rush. -Fixes various spell issues that may occur when lasers are present in the same group of spells. -Fixes the issue where the mini-game room trick bomb had no shadow -Fixed an issue where some Elites had incorrect attack multipliers on Summons. -Fixed the issue where Prism detects our Butterfly/Rolling Ball and also determines that the spell hit and consumes blue. -Fixed an issue where multi-frame spells broadcasted by Wide Area Increase would show a connected symbol. -Fixed an issue where spinning + boomerang back or quodid flying sword retracting could cause a permanent splash screen. -Fixed an issue where spells that were in normal squares would collectively not take effect when a staff with a boundary-breaking stone was discarded and picked up again. -Fixed the issue that when stacking multiple vines, the actual magic return was multiplied instead of added. -Fixed the issue that Mimic's Split/Flurry/Overload did not work on Jail Flying Sword. -Fixed a minor issue with Smart Summoning, now summoned items that are not yet summoned in the Book of Wizardry will no longer count against summoned items that already exist on the field. -Fixed an issue where the follow-up spells of Nova/Fuse cast by Staff Spirit did not work with some players' relics. -Fixed the issue where the re-summoning of the Giant Spirit Cannon Barrel after the progress bar dies may not be correct. -Fixed the issue that the level of spells picked up in the teaching level was displayed incorrectly. -Fix the problem that the time spent on the leaderboard is the same. -Fix the problem of leaderboard handle operation -Fix the problem that Soul Set can be used even if it is not unlocked. -Fixed the problem that Reaper would be stuck and unable to move when crossing the map with 2 spells. -Fixed the issue where refractive fall tracking lasers/gourds would get stuck when attacking the second stage of the final boss. -Fixed the issue that the blister effect does not disappear and gets more and more stuck in extreme lag situations. -Fix the issue where SteamDeck pointer is an empty image. -Fixed the problem of heart dropping where it shouldn't and then the plot getting stuck. -Fixed the issue where the staff may get stuck on a black screen when carrying a flying sword, using the restart key, or when going through a chapter. -Fixed the issue where trolls with cannonballs would keep twitching when standing still. -Fixed an issue where if you were carrying a Staff+Storage+Mimicry+Flying Sword, if you were holding another staff and tried to switch the order of Mimicry and Flying Sword, the storage would get stuck. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)