Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

CARRIER BATTLES is a classic hex-and-counter digital wargame covering the naval-air battles of the Pacific War, from 1942 to 1943. Find your opponent and strike at him before he sinks your precious carriers, while preventing them from invading or supporting your own amphibious operations.

[h2]New content (in-app / DLC): [/h2] - Submarines - New scenario Torpedo Alley, September 1942 [h2]Submarines[/h2] - Assign patrol area, mission and target for your subs during the set-up of most of the scenarios - The computer will handle movement and encounter with enemy ships - TF will never be safe anywhere on map, so a decent DD escort is handful - Flip ships to see historical sunk date, torpedoes and depth charges - Manage your ASW forces [h3]Air Operation UX[/h3] - Larger Hangar - New ASW bow when playing with submarines [h3]What’s next ?[/h3] - The next version focus on technical enhancement before extending the game - It is the occasion to add small improvement on autopilot, counters, screen UX, etc…. Please revert with your best & realistic wishes