Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal - Pacific War Naval Warfare

CARRIER BATTLES is a classic hex-and-counter digital wargame covering the naval-air battles of the Pacific War, from 1942 to 1943. Find your opponent and strike at him before he sinks your precious carriers, while preventing them from invading or supporting your own amphibious operations.

[h2]A big survey to improve the game[/h2] The backlog of Carrier Battles 4 Guadalcanal is full of good ideas, thanks to all of you. Time has come to make some choices in order to build a decent roadmap. To do so, we need your expectations. Check out this survey! [url=]survey[/url] Non-owners of the game may answer the questionnaire. Feel free to share the link. The survey will remain open until mid-March approximatively. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37506759/b35f81c38b23027fa720625e7b15e63e4a6ea702.png[/img] [h2]1.4[/h2] [h3]TF[/h3] - At least one surface escort ship is required per carrier - A CV TF without escort is forced to withdraw - Enhanced ships silhouettes - Allowed naval move hexes get highlighted before drawing the TF [h3]Damage[/h3] - Torpedo damage is more likely to cripple a ship; check the rules for specifics (Damage & Repair) - TRS loaded with cargo are more likely to burn [h3]Left menu, map button[/h3] - On the last phase of the turn, the number of unmoved TF on autopilot is shown in a yellow badge - On the last phase of the turn, the number of unmoved TF not on autopilot is shown in a red badge - Otherwise, a blue badge indicates the number of TF you may move this phase [h3]Scenarios[/h3] - New what-if for Guadalcanal - Tutorial improvement - US Set-up option for the Lexington for the Revenge Raids scenario [h3]Miscellaneous[/h3] - Air Search -20% in clear weather before July 1942. This simulates the poor search capabilities demonstrated by both sides at this stage of the war - The hex grid was refitted to improve the graphic performance