1.25.5 - Sensory Overload

ΔV: Rings of Saturn

A physics-based mining sim, set in the thickest debris field in Sol. Every action has a reaction, lasers are invisible without a medium, and your thrust is a potent weapon. Find trade, adapt your equipment to your playstyle, hire a crew to help. Unravel the mysteries of the rings, or just get rich.

[h3]Sensor hardware retrofits deregulated[/h3] A significant policy shift was announced today as sensor hardware retrofits are now deregulated at Enceladus Prime Station. Captains can now seamlessly replace their ship's LIDAR with an array of options that bring subtler Lidar sweeps, calibrated Doppler sensors, and alternative sensor technologies. With the boundaries lifted, independent mining crews now have unprecedented control over their operations. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33358845/50e700ec15201a51956edb1482745171d0c2b993.png[/img] [h3]Decommissioned point defences found defective[/h3] In a recent examination of some decommissioned point defense systems available at second-hand market, it has come to light that some of these systems were found to be defective. The station's engineering team has identified issues in the power-saving eco-friendly mode installed in NDPT-4205 as part of its decommissioning, which resulted with the system entering power-save mode at random, endangering ships that relied on these Point Defence Turrets for craft protection.ll decommissioned point defenses will undergo thorough maintenance and inspection to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33358845/dc71293e65e93e273e3c78a902f4816d45518c16.png[/img] [h3]Polar telescope array found new moonlets[/h3] Enceladian Polar Telescope Array has revealed the presence of new moonlets orbiting the rings. These tiny celestial companions have remained hidden until now by thick formations of ice above them. Both researchers and space enthusiasts alike are eager to study these newfound bodies. These newfound moonlets may contain valuable resources or unique geological features, offering potential mining and commercialization prospects, further contributing to the profitability of ring excavation ventures. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33358845/556b44bbf3845b23cde6e60dabfe3142725459c7.png[/img] [h3]Maintenance Logs[/h3] [list] [*] Sensor upgrades. You can now replace your ship's LIDAR with another one. There are multiple options to choose from. Some of them come with their very own tuning options. [*] Sensor sweep time and resolution tuning. You can now opt for a faster response or a higher resolution. [*] Changed astrogation proximity detector bubble to respect new Lidar tuning. This required some graphical changes, as the sweep shape might not cover 360 degrees anymore. [*] Lidar sweep can now be subtly observed on all lidar displays, making detecting the direction of a ping much easier. [*] You can tune the brightness of HUDs with virtual displays now. [*] Tuning options for autopilots and head-up displays will now have separate sections in the tuning menu. [*] Lidar response pings are now smaller and will not obfuscate the sensor view so much. [*] Re-calibrated the Doppler sensor for more accurate relative velocity measurements. [*] An additional encounter. There are more things to discover in the rings. [*] Cleaned up the shader code, improving performance a bit on machines with integrated GPUs. [*] Additional dialogue path for the "find missing child" quest, should you decide to act instead of talk in the ultimate encounter. [*] Improved performance and accuracy of collision detection and spawning of all moonlets. [*] A bug in NDPT-4205 software caused the turret to enter a power-saving mode if all the targets the targeting computer could detect were ineligible by either being obscured by other objects or excluded by the safety protocol of the turret for long enough for the actuator to reach the resting position. Such a turret would only wake up from the power-saving mode when a new object entered its detection range. [*] Additional colourblind mode. [*] Updated translations. [/list]