
First Day

It's the first day of the rest of your life

[h3] What's new? [/h3] [list] [*] Fractions! Work has begun on the faction system, at the moment you can already create your own faction, customize its flag and name. Faction setting is carried out in the camp window. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35068425/5fac7e9031bca826f62196c3851ae4097e2202d4.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35068425/94baf6bc0be2e176c97a778c82c64dea1a1b7956.png[/img] [*] Added the ability to rename characters. (To do this, click on the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the window with information about the character) [*] Added visualization of the grid when holding the "Shift" key while placing a building. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35068425/750c7a95fc517db41053a131a6ecdec3a089ae3d.png[/img] [*] Added a hotkey for building improvement. (According to the "U" standard, set in the setup menu) [*] Added display of the building level in the information window. [*] Added warnings about high and low temperatures. [*] Now the survivors behave differently depending on where they are, closer to the camp they feel calm and can afford to communicate if they have no tasks, in the wastelands they are more anxious, and near the enemy base they are always on guard ! [*] Reactor energy consumption has been increased. [*] Bugs fixed. [/list]