After downloading the update, errors are possible in old saves! To avoid errors, you should clean the game worlds separately or reset all game progress in the settings menu! [/h3]
[b] What's new?! [/b]
[*] Added a new building "Gate"!
[*] A new building "Dining Room" has been added!
[*] Now survivors can drink and eat both in the canteen and on their own, but the consumption of resources and satisfying hunger/thirst in the canteen is more profitable.
[*] New enemy "Dog"!
[*] Trading system and the first trader in the desert of death "Longneck"!
[*] Now their names are displayed above the selected objects.
[*] Now, by double clicking on a survivor or building, all similar ones are selected.
[*] Now you can follow the game time displayed above the map.
[*] A new addition with the ability to manage time.
[*] New sky!
[*] Now there are 24 minutes in a day.
[*] New achievements have been added!
[*] The ability to automatically improve skills has been added!
[*] Frostbite and excessively high temperatures can now be treated!
[*] Hunger and thirst now come at different speeds and are affected by different factors.
[*] Survivors can now defecate without going to the toilet!
[*] Now people need to use the toilet less often.
[*] Now production buildings consume more resources.
[*] Now, when mass selecting a squad, you can exclude people by clicking on the character icon while holding down the ALT key.
[*] Added a new weapon!
[*] Survivors now return to work after going to the toilet on their own.
[*] Now, for survivors who are in their camp and do not have a task, protecting the camp is more priority than satisfying their needs.
[*] Now it is more difficult to get infected with viruses, but it is also much more difficult to cure them.
[*] The manifestation of negative effects from viruses is increased (weakness, vomiting, mental deterioration).
[*] Children are no longer born if there are no free places for them to stay.
[*] Now the birth of children depends on a larger number of circumstances and is not always successful.
[*] Work on the location "Old City" is 45% complete.
[*] Item characteristics have been changed.
[*] Now, when the mass selection of survivors, the icons of the current needs of the characters and their goals are displayed.
[*] Now if you click on the icon of a person with a counter of survivors while holding down the CTRL key, all survivors will be selected.
[*] Now the bestiary has more detailed information about creatures!
[*] The toilet now produces biomass!
[*] Boots now increase movement speed!
[*] Now points increase accuracy!
[*] Armor now reduces damage taken!
[*] Now in the character's statistics you can see information about crit, stun, accuracy and armor!
[*] Increased stamina loss during character activity.
[*] New pangolin scale skill!
[*] Change in the balance of skills.
[*] Increased the block percentage when upgrading a skill.
[*] The increase in movement speed per level has been reduced.
[*] The increase in attack speed per level has been reduced.
[*] Decreased stamina gain per level.
[*] The increase in the rate of collecting resources per level has been reduced.
[*] The maximum level of luck has been increased.
[*] The increase in health regeneration per level has been increased.
[*] Reduced increase in healing speed per level.
[b]Dog Description:[/b] [i]A dog is man's best friend! But not in this case. These representatives of canines are so hungry that they are ready to devour each other, and judging by their appearance, they have already tried to do this more than once...[/i]
[b]Attention![/b] [i]Dogs have an 88% chance to start patrolling your territory from the second day of your existence.[/i]
[b]Characteristics of a low-level enemy on the first game day:[/b]
[*] Attack range 0.3
[*] Habitats: everywhere
[*] Damage: 4-12 oz
[*] Attack speed: 1 hit/0.5-2 sec
[*] Movement speed: 5.5 m/s
[*] Health: 86
[*] Chance to deal critical damage: 42%
[*] Chance to stun during an attack: 16%
[i]The last month has been a tough one for me, both mentally and physically, to say the least, but I've tried to work on the update as much as possible.
Those of you who have been following the project from the very beginning already know that I work on it alone, I do not have any funding and I develop it on my own, the only reason this project continues to live is my desire to give the world something something good and make people even a little happier. Sometimes there come moments when my mind is clouded by problems and sorrows, then I forget about my desire and aspiration, devaluing my own work, doubts come about my goals and the correctness of the chosen path. At such moments, I re-read your comments and reviews about this project, they help me remember that after all, I chose the right path. Your kind words keep the fire burning inside of me and encourage me to develop this project further, but with the depletion of resources, it becomes more and more difficult. Many of you know that item drops in the game are balanced so that the player does not need to buy them, and the purchase of items in the game itself would be just a way to support the project. By transferring the project to a free version, I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to access the game so that everyone could evaluate the project and become part of it. Unfortunately this was a mistake. After switching to the free version, I received some completely unconstructive negative feedback, and that significant increase in players did not have any positive effect in the community, as a result, this project became even more unprofitable.
I am sorry to inform you that I will again have to take up work on a side project and freeze the development of this project indefinitely, in order to form a budget for subsequent work on First Day.
I will still monitor possible bugs after this update and release a patch to fix them, but the release of subsequent updates is in doubt.
Due to all of the above, I decided to release [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1893250/First_Day__Supporter_Pack/?beta=0]DLC to support[/url] the project and speed up the release of new updates, this DLC will contain in itself exclusive sets of things that will change every few months. Thus, I hope to avoid long delays in the work on updates and at the same time thank everyone involved in the development of the project![/i]