

Delve into the low-fantasy medieval lands of Hazordhu, where you will explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders where every building and every item is player-made, and the online world changes based on your actions.

[h2]Hello Hazlings![/h2] I want to apologize for this update taking so long! It's been in the works for quite some time, but being a solo developer working on this part time, it also means that when life gets busy I don't have as much time to work on the game as I would like! It's always been my goal to do this full-time, so if you enjoy the game and would like to help it move along quicker, be sure to tell your friends, and as always thank you for playing! [b]Huge thanks to the community[/b] for helping to squash these bugs! I want to keep these updates coming weekly, so be sure to submit anything that you find over on [url=https://www.hazordhu.com/forum]the forums[/url]! While you're there, share some tales of your adventures! So, as of June 1st, here's what you can look forward to in the game! [h3]Additions[/h3][list] [*]Added more music to the game [*]Can now split stacks of items in inventory [*]Can now organize inventories [*]Holding shift and crafting an item will now continue crafting items of the same type [*]Players will now automatically continue to gather foliage [*]Bleeding now deals damage, don't forget to use a bandage! [*]Some animals are now weak to certain damage types [*]Buildings are now weak to blunt damage [*]New Animated Title Screen [*]Water Reflections [*]New Waterfall visual [*]Clothing Dying added [*]Resource Gathered animation [*]Shallow water which can be walked through [*]Expanded the skinning system [*]Expanded on player death and afterlife [*]Added random encounters while performing actions[/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3][list] [*]Character creation now prompts the player to use spacebar to continue when needed [*]Overhauled equipment and item handling internally [*]Burners no longer glitch out [Meachie] [*]Fixed Bandage sprite [*]UI Layering Fixed and touched up [*]Optimizations to map generation [*]Dungeons now reset after all players in it have died [*]The Wave effect of water no longer shifts when the player moves [*]Optimized world startup time [*]Removed the buggy Knockout's from combat, may add them back later [*]Made the first dungeon smaller and easier [*]Crafting Stations no longer get bugged if you cancel crafting at them[/list] If you would like to stay in the loop, check out the [url=https://www.hazordhu.com/devblog]Dev Blog[/url] on our website! Join our [url=https://discord.gg/YHmGQwQ]Discord[/url] to start a group, find a friendly server, and join the community! Be sure to head over to [url=https://www.patreon.com/hazordhu]Hazordhu's Patreon page[/url] to support development and gain access to some great perks and behind the scenes looks! Happy Roleplaying!