0.5 Patch Notes - BOSS FIGHTS!!!!!!!

Psyche Soldier VR

Got skill? Like dynamic action? Then Psyche Soldier VR is for you... and will take you to battles inside the psychedelic realm of your subconscious, tackling shadow creatures using five different Caster light-energy attacks, a channel ability, a spotlight, and an active Power Up. Challenge yourself!

I am pleased and excited to announce that all SEVEN missions finally have their BOSS FIGHTS!! Each unique and tied to the theme of the mission. They are all also very challenging. So much so, that I had to make special modifications for Easy difficulty to be, well, easy. Psychonaut difficulty on the other hand... well, lets just say you're going to need a LOT of SKILL and determination. The thing I'm happiest with, is that these boss fights truly utilize the potential of VR and two controllers. They'll get your heart beating for sure, and if you're victorious, they'll put an accomplished smile on your face :) The game would greatly benefit from a game play tutorial, which is going to be the meat and potatoes of the next patch. Spotlight slowing, caster shooting and swapping, energy collect "draining", and powering up... all while strafing, ducking, and dodging. It's kind of a lot to figure out just through the Controls image and Insight glossary images. I'll fix that. Also, I'm going to be making and putting up a new Boss Fight Trailer video in the next day or two, as the previous "Early Access Trailer" is 6 months old and doesn't really reflect the current state of the game. (It's leaps and bounds better now) MastaKwaa