0.4 Patch Notes - NEW Enemy "Heckler", Sound Effects, Slow Mo, and More!!

Psyche Soldier VR

Got skill? Like dynamic action? Then Psyche Soldier VR is for you... and will take you to battles inside the psychedelic realm of your subconscious, tackling shadow creatures using five different Caster light-energy attacks, a channel ability, a spotlight, and an active Power Up. Challenge yourself!

It's ALIVE!!! The game feels much more alive now that sound effects are in :) And there's a bunch of cool new stuff, like Psychic Slow-Mo, a new a "mini-map" Wrist Watch, a glossary, hit reactions, hand animations, and a new enemy Heckler, and more! And as always, there's some improvements, changes, and bug fixes. Details below. Coming soon in the next patch: 7 Boss Fights!! Additions: - NEW Enemy, Heckler, who sneaks in partially phased from the darkness of the shadow realm, he's hidden except for his glowing eyes and snickering laughter, with hopes of snacking on your health and energy. Shine the Spotlight on this nuisance to pop him out of the shadow realm and send him back to where he came! (he cannot be hit by player Caster attacks, only the Spotlight can take him out) - NEW Psychic Slow-Mo event that triggers when enemy projectiles are dangerously close, which makes you feel like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets! (there is a cool down afterwards that is shorter in easier difficulties and longer in tougher difficulties) - NEW Wrist Watch that serves as a "mini map" during game play, pointing the hour and minute hands to the far left and far right enemy locations, as well as pointing the seconds hand to a hidden Heckler enemy if there currently is one. It also shows the current count of enemies (or enemies remaining in a Wave in Endurance mode). Outside of game play and during pause, the Watch tells real time. - NEW "Insight" glossary that contains relevant details on everything from health and energy to abilities and enemies, and it is conveniently to the right side of the Pause menu. Learn about each enemy to optimize your strategy! - All enemies now have sound effects associated with their attacks and/or threatening presence - Enemy hit reaction animations - Heartbeat sound effect when low health (within one hit from death) - Player hands are now animated - Upgrade purchased particle and sound effect sequence - Controls Menu now cycles between showing Spotlight Slow and Spotlight Heckler image - Save Icon now appears while game is saving (do not shut off during icon) - Voice Overs added to all of the missions' tougher enemies as well as the corresponding positive voice overs - Load Tunnel sound effects - Death sound effect - UI sound effects - Menu objects sound effects and ambient sounds - Menu Dog now also sniffs the ground periodically Changes: - Replaced the Easy difficulty mushroom with a smaller skull, so it's more consistent with the other difficulty skulls - Increased the difficulty scaling in Endurance mode to favor shorter play sessions - Music volume now functions the same as sound and voice volumes Improvements: - Increased the base level Caster and Power Caster stats! - Caster Select Wheel is now less touchy and more user friendly - Changed enemy color dark/lightness tied to health (enemies start dark and shadowy, then lighten as their health lowers) to only update every 10% so the change is more noticeable - Stress Brain and Perfection Triangle beam attacks now merge three beams into one - Touched up the death reaper art - Attachment Shiva enemy has new hand models and animations - Fear Spider enemy Axon Spit projectile now more voluminous - Changed UI close "X" and "Continue" buttons text to have black and green shadows to better direct player input Fixes: - Fixed a blocking bug that would occur if the cement column bases in the menu area were clicked - Energy Bauble orbits now correctly rotate on subsequent spawns - Menu Dog scratch-to-idle animation fix With the multitude of new additions, my favorite is the Psychic Slow-Mo, which really has to be experienced to see how cool it is! And sound effects... such a world of difference! Oh, and the new enemy is a nice addition as well... and the Insight glossary... and Watch... and... Quite a bit of content in this patch, and I think the next patch is going to be even more exciting... Boss Fights!! Enjoy! MastaKwaa