A One-Shot, Narrative Fantasy Adventure where players explore a colorful Spirit Realm through Juna’s eyes, solving puzzles with her ability to hear Objects' Hidden Voices. Juna must choose: save her brother at the cost of her life or return, unfulfilled.
Half Away is a Narrative Puzzle-Adventure set in a vibrant realm inspired by Slavic and Japanese folklore. Journey with Juna as she navigates the Spirit Realm, using her unique power to hear hidden voices and connect with spirits on a path of self-discovery and choice.
Juna awakens in a mystical forest with no memory of arriving, only a faint recollection of being ill. She soon realizes she's in Limbo, a land where spirits dwell and where humans rarely tread. To return to life, she must embark on a journey of ancient mysteries, mystical powers, and encounters with spirits, both kind and mysterious.
Will Juna return home, or stay in Limbo to aid both spirits and humans, shaping the events of the living world?
Explore the fragmented lands of Limbo, where ancient spirits reside and hidden secrets await. Uncover their stories and unravel the mysteries of this mystical world.
Listen to objects in the world to uncover hidden details and collect vital information. Every discovery is recorded in your journal, providing clues that guide your journey.
Embark on a branching journey with key decisions that influence Juna’s path and the fates of spirits and humans, shaping the story’s outcome.
Solve puzzles with the help of friendly spirits and the power of Resonance. By listening the hidden voices of the world, you can unlock secrets and overcome environmental challenges.
Uncover four unique endings as you solve puzzles with the guidance of friendly spirits and the power of Resonance.
Expect a deeply narrative-driven experience, where most of the game focuses on storytelling. Puzzles play a secondary role and are not the core focus. Created by a small indie studio, the game is designed to be a short and meaningful experience, as we chose to focus on crafting a compact journey for our first game.
Max: 5,16€
Min: 5,16€