Your Moral Compass...

Broken Roads

Broken Roads is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in a decaying, post-apocalyptic version of the vast Australian Outback, featuring a genre-redefining morality system. Survive, form bonds, and make tough choices that will shape your dangerous yet mesmerizing 25+ hour journey across the wilds.

[h3][b]Hey everyone![/b] Today we're taking a closer look into our Moral Compass feature. [/h3] The Moral Compass is Broken Roads’ unique take on morality and alignment. It allows the characters’ morality to shift based on the player’s actions and decisions gradually. Before starting your post-apocalyptic adventure you will be asked a series of questions about different scenarios you might encounter while on your journey in the land down under. Now answer them honestly because once you do, you'll notice 4 different traits. These are the four distinct moral philosophies in Broken Roads... [h3][b]Humanist[/b][/h3] - [i]"Each person’s dignity matters most"[/i] I choose all meaning and thus what matters, but what is inalienable is that every person has worth. [b]Benefit: [/b]This character gains bonuses when supporting allies. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38613301/c2389bb3b990a6a0b06372d4b51ba418dbb01459.png[/img] [h3][b]Utilitarian[/b][/h3] - [i]"Everyone’s happiness combined matters most"[/i] The greatest good for the greatest number [b]Benefit: [/b]This character gains bonuses when supporting the weakest ally. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38613301/24bbdac5f5ebce7a024c1f0aa7b04ef1f59c5963.png[/img] [h3][b]Machiavellian[/b][/h3] - [i]"My team/group matters most"[/i] The ends justify the means. [b]Benefit and Restriction: [/b]This character can perform any action in combat regardless of harm to allies but does not gain any bonuses. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38613301/b8be6c3f6908ae10cff9abdee804b11c7a654c28.png[/img] [h3][b]Nihilist[/b][/h3] - [i]"I matter most"[/i] Nothing matters, and that doesn't bother me. [b]Benefit: [/b]This character gains bonuses when supporting themselves. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38613301/6edfa8466ddcc6bcc754d6182988dcf66b7125af.png[/img] [h1]What path will you take in Broken Roads?[/h1] [hr][/hr][h3]WISHLIST & PLAY THE DEMO NOW:[b][/b][/h3] [hr][/hr] That's all for today, ‘ol cobber! Follow [b][i][url=]Broken Roads[/url][/i][/b] to stay updated and don't forget, your choices are the key. [hr][/hr][url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38613301/031a7785e83b6339edcab2accaa6f99a19f808b8.png[/img] [/url] [h3][b]SOCIAL: [url=]DISCORD[/url] | [url=]TWITTER[/url] | [url=]YOUTUBE[/url] | [url=]WIKI[/url] [/b] [/h3] [i]- The Drop Bear Bytes team[/i]