Wage a global war of resistance against an alien invasion. Command turn-based tactical battles, build a network of covert bases, directly control your fighter wings, and achieve strategic victory in a simulation of asymmetric warfare against a technologically superior foe.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
We’re excited to share that Xenonauts 2 is participating in the Winter Sale at 35% off. Check it and other games out at the Hooded Horse Winter Sale.
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/HoodedHorse/sale/wintersale2024 style=button]Hooded Horse Winter Publisher Sale 2024[/url]
[hr][/hr][h3][b]Milestone 5.0.0: Operation Endgame and the Battleship Arrive[/b][/h3]
[b]Milestone 5.0.0[/b] is now available on the [i]Experimental[/i] branch. This update removes all playable time limits from the campaign, introduces new mechanics like Supporters and Strategic Operations on the Geoscape, and adds significant content to tactical combat, including new missions and alien units.