Horror thriller visual novel written by cult director Ruggero Deodato. A cannibal story in three episodes. Embark on a challenging journey, where every choice has a price and consequences. Will you be able to reach the end without getting your soul devoured? Dare to decide!
Hello Cannibal Lovers,
Today marks the end of the first week since the release of our game.
Yesterday, we noticed a sharp decline in both conversions and new wishlists. We are optimistic that upcoming updates will revitalize these figures.
As mentioned yesterday, today we have released the first update, which introduces new graphic settings options. This enhancement should improve player experience by allowing more customization tailored to individual hardware specifications.
Looking ahead, our next update will include the localization system. We aim to broaden our audience by providing the game in multiple languages, starting with Italian and Russian. We will keep you updated as soon as we have a confirmed release date for this feature.
From now on, our devlogs will transition to a weekly format to provide more comprehensive updates and insights.
That’s all for today.
Have a great evening from your trusty neighborhood Cannibal Team.