Horror thriller visual novel written by cult director Ruggero Deodato. A cannibal story in three episodes. Embark on a challenging journey, where every choice has a price and consequences. Will you be able to reach the end without getting your soul devoured? Dare to decide!
Hello Cannibal Lovers,
Today marks the seventh day since the release of our game, and by tomorrow, our first week will be complete.
A quick update on the numbers:
Conversions have declined compared to the first day, which was anticipated, but they are now stabilizing.
Wishlists continue to grow, though the increase rate has slowed since the peak on release day. We've gained an additional 1k wishlists in nearly a week.
Currently, 60% of sales have resulted from converting a wishlist into a purchase.
Tomorrow, we will release the first update, which includes adding video settings to the options menu.
Soon after, we'll introduce the localization system, adding Italian and Russian as the first languages.
Recently, we've been receiving numerous emails requesting promotional codes from Steam curators. Interestingly, many request these via email and advise against using Steam's internal key distribution system within the curator section, which we suspect could be scams. Therefore, we have not responded to these emails. We have only sent promotional codes using Steam’s internal system to curators who have requested to review the game through this official channel.
That’s all for today.
Have a great evening from your trusty neighborhood Cannibal Team.