Horror thriller visual novel written by cult director Ruggero Deodato. A cannibal story in three episodes. Embark on a challenging journey, where every choice has a price and consequences. Will you be able to reach the end without getting your soul devoured? Dare to decide!
Hello Cannibal lovers,
We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our beta testing phase for our upcoming horror visual novel! The level of engagement and input we received was truly outstanding, and for this, we are profoundly grateful. Thank you for dedicating your time to our game and for providing such valuable feedback.
As we forge ahead with development, please be aware that the Steam keys issued for the beta test are now inactive. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Stay tuned! We'll be back shortly with some cool updates on the game's progress and some new artwork that we're excited to show off just for our followers.
The Cannibal Team