Horror thriller visual novel written by cult director Ruggero Deodato. A cannibal story in three episodes. Embark on a challenging journey, where every choice has a price and consequences. Will you be able to reach the end without getting your soul devoured? Dare to decide!
Hello cannibal lover,
Final Devlog of 2023.
We're thrilled to announce that we've completed the implementation of all the game scenes. Currently, we're focusing on refining the settings and saving features. Our goal is to wrap up development by January.
We'll participate in the February Steam Next Fest with an exclusive, updated demo. Additionally, we're excited to share that the game's release is planned for the end of February.
We've also updated the announcement trailer on our Steam page and altered the public demo by censoring sexually explicit content. This ensures the game is discoverable on Steam for users who haven't enabled the adult content options.
You can check out the updated trailer here:
The team wishes you happy holidays and extends our deepest thanks for all the support you've given us throughout the past year.
We'll reconnect in 2024.
See you soon,
The Cannibal Team.