作業報告 - work report


Operating bakery Making various breads and cakes Manage and operate storefronts

大家好, Hi 語言的改版作業正在進行中 (英文跟簡體中文) Language revision work in progress (English and Simplified Chinese) 除了六萬多字的翻譯內容外 In addition to translations of more than sixty thousand words 還包含了介面美術上的作業 Also includes interface art work 我們預計工作時間仍要兩周 We expect the working time still two weeks 我們會試圖加快這個作業的 We will try to speed up the job 謝謝 Thank you ChaoYe [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31136989/210e0831384e020ab5c30a8e174cf444deb44e87.png[/img]