24 June Update Notes

New Warfare

New Warfare is a modern/sci-fi competitive stylised multiplayer first person shooter with multiple game modes. Use extremely fast arcade movements to annihilate your enemies !

[h2][i]Fixes :[/i][/h2] - Fixed references in code -> 1 or 2 FPS boost. - Fixed wrong material on sniper's bipod. [h2][i]Improvements :[/i][/h2] - Added "Early access" text on menu screen. - Improved iron-sight visibility for VPR-7X and A9-XW. [i][h2]Global :[/h2][/i] [i]Weapon names[/i] : - [b]Renamed [/b]Superi 60 to VPR-7X. - [b]Renamed [/b]AG11W to A9-XW. - [b]Renamed [/b]MK.24 to MK-300A. - [b]Renamed [/b]HVG7 to HV-G7. [i]Camos [/i]: - Created default skin for VPR-7X. - Modified emissive color for A9-XW's camo.