Patch Notes v1.0.1 - Day 1 Update

Dice & Fold

A turn-based dungeon crawler where your only way of attacking the enemy is by rolling dice. Roll dice to damage enemy cards to FOLD. Inspired by classic Solitaire, in a top-down table and enemies made out of cards, try to beat the dungeon with 20 unique classes. Build your deck, kill monsters.

Hey Heroes! Day 1 patch is here. Surprising to our devs, we didn't have much game breaking bugs noticed today. We are still on the look out. [h2]Balance[/h2] We noticed the run curve of the game on the middle to late stage gets too hard for some players. We wanted to balance this a little bit, nerfing some of the tier 4 and 5th monster cards. Another balance change is: We made Easy mode easier. We hope this feels better for some casual Heroes. [h2]Technical[/h2] Additionally for some technical problem we had to leave vsync off and untoggleable in the game. Which now in the graphic settings vsync option is operational. If you had screen tearing, you might want to enable this. Another requested feature our Discord community asked for was to be able to reset your progress of the game. Since some players already played the game on the Demo, they wanted to reset their progress and play from the zero. We quickly implemented this feature, go to your settings and press "reset my progress" [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/88ea64178767ab6f4fe26d283f988deae66e0c59.png[/img] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] We also have some bug fixes; - Lock Jack's skill slots if DM is folded - Audio Finetune pt3 - Disable info icons for Slimi Piece, Raven & Fireball - Fix Blood Mage's skill being able to fold Dungeon Master - Make Warden & Corrupt Alchemist override the item effect for Chameleon T… - Remove "trinket slots are locked in demo" tooltip - wanna reset prompt & settings button - Disable silenced VFX when card is folded - Do not trigger item effect for Bounty Poster in boss stage - Lock Gambler's skill slots if DM is folded - Lock skill slots for Jack & Gambler when all enemies are folded [h2]Thank you[/h2] We are also on the #1 for New Trending games on Steam US. We are so glad many of you liked the game. If you haven't already, feel free to send us your opinions as a review on Steam Reviews. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44749773/c3f8c3985df3d15c51943a15e715c8d0f51d0875.png[/img]