Welcome to the Servo Sea!

Robot Resistors

Robot Resistors is an irreverent robot-themed auto-shooter with a 16-bit style. Each of the over 100 enemies you face is distinct, with unique abilities and hand-pixeled animations. A huge roster of playable characters, tons of weapons, and five wildly different procedurally generated stages await!

[h1]Stage 4 Features:[/h1] [list] [*] A new stage mechanic and layout to challenge our players! [*] Over 15 new unique enemies, all with custom abilities and animations! [*] New boss! [*] New music! [*] Cutting edge 1990s graphics technology: parallax scrolling! [/list] [h2]Other Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Lowered the unlock requirements for the bonus experience upgrade from level 30 → 25. –Dev note: This was a little too onerous a requirement for such a useful and basic upgrade, so we made the unlock requirement easier [*] Gauss Rifle base damage increased from 175 → 200. [i]–Dev Note: The gauss rifle was feeling slightly underpowered in later stages vs stronger enemies, so we buffed its damage. It should function largely the same in earlier stages, but should now be a more viable pick in later stages as well.[/i] [*] Removed the on-hit armored sound from armored enemies [i]–Dev Note: The armor “plink” sound was too oppressive and constant when armored enemies were onscreen, particularly against rapid damage weapons like tesla coils and the chain gun. While we conceptually like the idea of armored enemies giving an audio cue, we’ve removed the sound effect until we can find a better implementation.[/i] [*] Small Art Changes [*] Small Sound Changes [/list] We hope all of our players really enjoy Stage 4! It took us a bit longer than we expected due to some intrusions from our real life responsibilities, but we made it! As we turn our full attention to Stage 5 (our last planned stage before exiting Early Access), we are aiming for a 1.0 release sometime in the late fall/early winter. In addition to the final stage, we’re hoping to implement features such as difficulty settings, more endless modes and options, new weapons, new ultimates, and some other QoL changes, so stay tuned for updates! Thanks as always for your patience and support, and happy resisting! –The Crablacksmith Team (James, Frank, Luke, and Adrian)