V0.7.1.4 - New Graveyard music!

Robot Resistors

Robot Resistors is an irreverent robot-themed auto-shooter with a 16-bit style. Each of the over 100 enemies you face is distinct, with unique abilities and hand-pixeled animations. A huge roster of playable characters, tons of weapons, and five wildly different procedurally generated stages await!

Enjoy the new music as we continue to work on stage 3! [list] [*] New Graveyard music! [i]Dev note: No one liked the graveyard music (including the composer). They kept saying “gimme somethin’ spooky!”, so we obliged with new music.[/i] [*] Added “Refund All Upgrades” button to the upgrade menu [*] Tesla Coils adjusted. Base maximum charge reduced, bonus from level 4 updated to work correctly and be more impactful. [*] Redesigned some menu elements to be more consistent [/list]