New Ult, new Upgrade! V0.7.1.1

Robot Resistors

Robot Resistors is an irreverent robot-themed auto-shooter with a 16-bit style. Each of the over 100 enemies you face is distinct, with unique abilities and hand-pixeled animations. A huge roster of playable characters, tons of weapons, and five wildly different procedurally generated stages await!

[list] [*] Added an ultimate upgrade for the Gauss Rifle: Cryo Rifle. Each shot creates an AoE burst of cold on impact, freezing nearby enemies for a few seconds. [*] Added a new ability to Fatal Error: Shockwave. When activated, nearby enemies are knocked back. Reduced his bonus HP from 150 → 100. Reduced his bonus Shields from 150 → 100. Dev note: We initially didn’t give Fatal Error an activated ability since we wanted the game to be super simple in the beginning for new players. Ironically, being the only character without an ability made him MORE confusing to new players who wondered why he didn’t do anything when they hit the ability button. So that mistake has been rectified, and his bonus passive health and shield boost has been nerfed slightly to compensate [*] Added a random character button in character select. Fairly basic at this point: pick a random character and receive a +10% experience boost for the duration of the run. [*] Added text hint to start of Crystal Caverns to assist new players. [*] Changed the procedural generation in Crystal Caverns to be a little more forgiving when navigating. Dev note: This under-the-hood change should lead to less backtracking and dead ends! [*] Changed/Replaced Extra Salvage Upgrade. OLD Extra Salvage: Gain 10% extra salvage from pickups per level purchased. → NEW Auto-Salvage: Gain 5 passive salvage a minute per level purchased. Players are now given the first level of this upgrade for free when they start the game. Dev note: We wanted to ease the onboarding process for new players, and giving a tiny amount of salvage as a reward for surviving is a nice way to give new players a greater opportunity for early upgrades as they figure out how to play the game. We anticipate the impact will be minimal, but not negligible, in terms of balance and progression, particularly with regard to more expensive upgrades. Additionally, salvage spent on the previous skill Extra Salvage should be automatically refunded upon downloading the latest patch and starting the game. [*] Bugfix: No more controller crash if swapping between mouse and keyboard in certain rare situations. Thanks to Wangston for finding this bug! [*] Fixed/improved a bunch of shadows on objects not displaying properly [/list]