We Got Compagnie! Public Playtest LIVE NOW– Summer Alpha Playtest Patch Notes!!

We Got Compagnie! Playtest

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45003841/83d2816b001a3230a2d6e85dbd3e35816e9b6283.png[/img] MTM: “Oh! It’s nice to see you again, my fellow musician! The Soleuhin Festival is sure to be something spectacular, I hope you’re just as excited as I am! The Soli Kingdom is very particular about making sure it’s as extravagant as can be, so there’s still a bit of time before the festival officially kicks off. If you ask me, I’d say it’s the perfect opportunity to get some practice in and explore beforehand! So what do you say?” [h1][b]Welcome (again) to the Compagnie![/b][/h1] This may be a bit redundant, but since our Alpha Public Playtest has officially started, I'm going to reintroduce myself and our game. I'm the team lead for an upcoming adaptive music boss rush arena indie game called [i][b]We Got Compagnie![/b][/i] (WGC!) Thank you, for participating in the VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY early stages of WGC! I'd like to spend this time to set the stage for this game that you are about to playtest... In this game, you play as a magical violinist, and fight against bosses by shooting magical projectiles from your violin! By fighting the bosses, the music cohesively interacts with the boss music, and creates an experience of performing a duel-of-duets with the boss. You control a magical Violinist Prodigy called [b]Maestro, The Guide[/b], who is tasked to fight through her fellow prodigies of the Orchestral Family, corrupted into warped vessels by a villain of a bygone era calling himself the Kappellmeister. He has challenged any who dares to a fierce [i][b]duel-of-duets[/b][/i] against this new cacophonous company, to which if they are defeated they shall have the privilege of performing a final duet against himself to decide and claim the rightful place as [b]Conductor of the Soli Kingdom[/b]. If no one succeeds within the end of this glorious event, he shall rule over all of Soli Kingdom and dictate harmony as we know it... Go forth then, rosin your bow, tune your violin, and dodge, weave, and play your heart out to free your fellow Prodigies from their misshapen forms, defeat Kapellmeister and return harmony to the Soli Kingdom! This game was inspired by games such as [i][b]Nier: Automata[/b][/i], and [i][b]FURI[/b][/i], as well as the untapped potential of adaptive music games like [i][b]Journey[/b][/i], [i][b]Abzu[/b][/i], [i][b]DmCV[/b][/i], and most recently [i][b]HI-FI RUSH[/b][/i] [i](R.I.P. and thank you so much Tango Gameworks for validating our efforts).[/i] On behalf of GoodBreadStudios we're so excited to share our journey to complete this game with your help and support! But anyway– [h2]Here's some things to note as of July 4th, 2024.[/h2] [h3]What you're about to play is the [u]July 1st, 2024 Playtest Build[/u] of WGC.[/h3] Here's what that means: [h1] Forte: The Strong now has a new bullet hell ability! [/h1] Forte's Vessel has been discovering new ways to vanquish his oppressors! [list] [*] During his shield phase, he now releases giant energy spheres to crowd-control his opponents. [*] The bubbles can be destroyed by firing projectiles at 'em! [/list] == Here's a short dev video demonstrating his [b]new move!![/b] [previewyoutube=PNRZFtSBuPw;full][/previewyoutube] == We've also worked to address some of the bugs and feedback from our previous playtest! [olist] [*] Forte's shield no longer decouples from his body whenever his shield phase starts and is in the middle of doing his jump slam attack. [*] The player is no longer able to quickly alternate between both violin projectile play styles by rapidly pressing both mouse buttons. There is now a designated Switch Play style button that prevents the player from playing both styles and shooting both projectile types at once. [*] The invisible barrier of the arena is now higher to prevent Maestro from falling off the stage (and Forte with her!). [*] Maestro's death state has been improved to execute the game over screen more consistently. [/olist] [h1] There is now a contextual controls diagram in the pause menu! [/h1] You can now see the controls within the game through the in-game pause menu. [list] [*] Just hit P on keyboard or the start button on controller to pause and then access the controls through selecting the controls option! [/list] [h3]The controls for this build are as follows:[/h3] [u]Controller:[/u] Use the left analog stick to strafe, and click in on the left analog stick to fast strafe, and double click the left analog stick to sprint. Use the right analog stick to aim. Press the Left Trigger to dodge/dash. Press the Right Stick Button to toggle lock on on/off. Press and hold the Right Shoulder to shoot projectile and press the Top Face Button to switch play styles, or projectile modes. Press the Lower Face Button to jump. Press Start Button to Pause. [u]Keyboard:[/u] Use the wasd keys to strafe, and tap left shift to fast strafe, and double-tap to sprint. Use the mouse to aim. Press V to dodge/dash. Press E to toggle lock on on/off. Press and hold the left mouse button to shoot projectiles, and press F to switch play styles, or projectile modes. Press space to jump. Press P to Pause. [h2]Here's what's planned for the FUTURE...[/h2] Although our game is [b]far from finished[/b] (with our first boss encounter being playable), we have some exciting features planned for the game, from more bosses, to having the player [b]unlock and choose different violin play-styles[/b] to fight against the bosses, to being able to [b]control the pitch of your violin[/b] to gain an [i][b]edge[/b][/i] in combat, and having a [b]coop mode[/b] where you and your friends can face off the corrupted orchestral family up to a [b]quartet[/b] [i](technically a [b]quintet[/b], including the boss)[/i] of [b]epic[/b] musical proportions! We're thinking of making a [u]Kickstarter/Kofi[/u] of the game, but it won't be possible unless we gain a strong enough community to support and push this project to completion! Please wishlist our game to show your support! [h2]Discord[/h2] [url=https://discord.gg/yvAFKtHbwQ][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45003841/a8c7778cd1f4a3284aa553e8e7475532818bac35.png[/img][/url] We also now have an Official Discord Community Server! So please join that as well: https://discord.gg/yvAFKtHbwQ [h3]Lastly all feedback will be encouraged to be redirected to the Playtest forum in this Playtest Community Hub.[/h3] Thank you so much for joining us on this journey to make this super ambitious and musically [i][b]EPIC[/b][/i] game! Check out our first devlog way back in May 1st, too!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-nDtQv5d8Y Stay tuned!~ –J.P. === [h2]Patch Notes for PT Build 0.1a:[/h2] [h3]New Model for Maestro the Violinist![/h3] [list] [*] We made a new and improved model for Maestro! [*] Complete with tailcoat physics! [/list] [h3]New Strafing, Aiming, and Floating System![/h3] 
Maestro now can strafe, aim, and reliably float! [list] [*] The new strafing system and its new animations lets you be able to micro adjust your movement to certain situations!: [olist] [*]Slow strafe: Make small steps as you weave around projectiles.
 [*]Fast strafe: Quick step your way out of tight situations.
 [*]Full-send Sprint: Dart away from completely precarious places (or into them) by going full send away or towards danger! [/olist] [*] Maestro can now aim her projectiles with confidence! You are now free to aim at certain places and destroy projectiles that are too close! [/list] [h3]New Tuba Boss Attack![/h3] [list] [*] Forte now shoots two domes of bubbled projectiles during his shield phase! [/list] [h3]New UI Improvements![/h3] [list] [*] You now have a nifty little reticle and play style indicator to help you aim and decide what projectile to use!! [/list] The reticle (a coda sign) will help you aim and let you know when you are locked onto the boss or not! It also indicates where exactly the projectile will land from where you are situated! The Playstyle Indicator will tell you what play style you are playing the violin with, and in turn what magical projectile you are shooting! [h3]New Settings Menu![/h3] [list] [*] You can now adjust the volume and screen settings (resolution and screen mode) through the main menu or in-game pause menu! Control Changes and Display! [*] Multiple control changes have been made to the game such as implementing a dedicated switch play styles button, and changing the lock on and dodge to a new binding on controller and keyboard respectively. [/list] [h3]New Control Diagram Menu![/h3] You can now learn the controls for the game through the pause menu! [h3]General Improvements[/h3] Raised the invisible barrier for the arena to prevent Maestro and Forte from flying off.
 Forte's tracking while doing his fist slam attack is improved. [h3]Bug Fixes![/h3] Forte's health bar no longer is displayed over the pause menu.
 Maestro now is no longer able to fire and play while she is knocked down.
 Forte's music note projectiles during his shield phase now correctly glides across the ground.
 The shield from the Tuba Boss no longer disconnects when he enters the shield phase while jumping!
 Our UI menus now fully support gamepad!