Update Notes for Closed Alpha May 14th Playtest!!

We Got Compagnie! Playtest

[h1]Settings menu is now implemented!![/h1] A [b]settings menu[/b] has been added and can be [i][b]accessed[/b][/i] via the [u]Main Menu,[/u] or the [u]in-game pause menu[/u]!!! [list] [*] You can now [i]adjust the Volume[/i] through the [u][b]Master Volume[/b][/u] and [u][b]SFX sliders[/b][/u] in the settings menu. [*] You can also [i]adjust the Screen Resolution and Screen Mode[/i] through the [u][b]Resolution[/b][/u] and [u][b]Screen Mode[/b][/u] drop-down menus. [/list] [h1]New Strafing System!![/h1] Maestro now has a [b]new mobility system[/b] within combat, allowing for more [i][b]precise aiming[/b][/i] and [i][b]positioning[/b][/i]! == Here's a [i][b](meme-ish)[/b][/i] video demonstrating this [b]new mobility system!![/b] [previewyoutube=C_Hpop98WlI;full][/previewyoutube] == The [b]new mobility system[/b] consists of [i][b]three[/b][/i] different modes of mobility. [olist] [*] [i][b][u]Normal Strafing[/u][/b][/i]: Maestro's first mode of mobility, is a slow, methodical strafe, allowing for more precise positioning to avoid incoming attacks. She is also now able to aim outside of lock on during this mode of mobility. [*] [i][b][u]Fast Strafing[/u][/b][/i]: By [b]pressing the sprint button[/b] once, Maestro's second mode of mobility, is a faster version of the normal strafe, allowing for slightly quicker positioning when she needs it. She can still aim outside of lock on during this mode of mobility. [*] [i][b][u]Full Send Sprint[/u][/b][/i]: By [b]double-pressing the sprint[/b] button, Maestro's third mode of mobility, is a full on sprint, allowing her to gain or close the distance towards the enemy. She is unable to aim during this mode of mobility, and shoots only at the direction she is sprinting towards. Although this is true, it allows Maestro to eliminate any threats that she is running towards (destroying obstacles or enemies in her path). *Note*: she is still able to use the homing attack while Full Send Sprinting whenever she is locked onto the enemy (this is not intentional to our system and may or may not be adjusted in future play-test builds –depending on what feedback we receive from this system! 😊) [/olist] Thanks for your continued support for this game! [b]Exciting things[/b] are planned for the future of this game!! Please [i][b]stay tuned[/b][/i] (🎻!!) for future updates!! [i][b]–J.P.[/b][/i]