The Wicked Days is an action-packed shooter set in a godforsaken wilderness in a small town of Beavercity. Inexplicable events will be echoes of the difficult past. Why is everyone against you? Arm yourself to the teeth, jump in a car and move out to explore a dangerous world in search of answers.
[h2] We are actively working on a new update![/h2]
[h3]We have made some changes and additions to our inside game build.
After some more testing and bug fixing we will roll out the update to the public.
Players will have finishing moves, can be sneaky or can be loud and can gun while they run.
Zombies will be able hear noises and have line of sight!
The rest of the parts of the future update are described below indetail. [/h3]
[h2]Major changes:[/h2]
[h3][*]Player is now able to shoot on the run
[*]Added finishing moves
[*]Added partial controller support
[*]Improved AI for military soldiers and zombies
[*]Added stealth system:
[*]Mobs now can hear noise and have line of sight
[*]All mobs can be killed with stealth move from behind
[*]Melee and range weapons now make noises
[*]Stealth kills do not make noises
[*]Running makes noises
[*]Player now can sneak
[*]If player sneaks, less noise is made
[h3][*]Added new mob type: "military radio operator"[/h3]
If you trigger the radio operator, he triggers all the mobs in his group. The radio operator will be a separate type of mob in the group (visually different).[/h4]
[h3][*]Added a perk that allows you to see the line of sight of mobs.[/h3]
The line of sight is a cone with a view on the ground.
[h3][*]Added reaction speed to enemies at which they notice the character if one is spotted in the line of sight[/h3]
Other changes : [/h2]
[*] Added roll move [“Q” button]
[*] Accelerated unarmed character turning
[*] Updated the boss model
[h2]Corrections and bugfixes:[/h2]
[*] Fixed a bug where aiming sometimes would not work
[*] Fixed a bug where cars could disappear after respawning
[*] Fixed a bug where the sound of a zombie bite would play when the character hits any object
[*] Fixed a bug where the game would freeze after a character crashed into a certain fence in the city
[*] Fixed a bug where the character could sometimes not get into the car
[*] Fixed a bug where the finishing blow was triggered even when the enemy was behind the character
[*] Fixed an issue where the area of interaction with objects overlapped
[*] Fixed a bug where the character appeared on the platform after leaving the bunker
[*] Fixed a bug where infinite loading appeared during character respawn
[*] Fixed some bugs related to bossfight
[*] Fixed a problem with raising the key card in the bunker
[*] Fixed a bug where zombies sometimes would not explode on mines
[*] Fixed a bug where you could turn and jump while capturing an enemy
[*] Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes would not attack the car in which the character was
[*] Fixed a bug where zombies and the military stopped attacking the character after the appearance of any dialog box
[*] Fixed a bug where zombies did not die without limbs, including their heads during the quest "Unevacuation plan"
[*] Fixed several bugs related to moving units
[h2]Follow us on social media in teh internets!
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