[h1]Earth's Center of Gravity is participating in the Visual Novel Fest 2023.[/h1]
We are still sorting out contradictions in the story tree and working on the artwork. It is taking time but we are putting all our effort on making the game ready for the release according to the new roadmap. We still plan to deliver the game on time.
Mean time we are working on a demo with a glimpse of new contents as well. Planning to make it ready after the Visual Novel Fest.
[h2]Do Not Forget to Wishlist The Game[/h2]
If this is the first time you are seeing the game, besides joining to our [b][url=https://discord.gg/DmQUARsFEn]Discord[/url][/b] channel, you can visit our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073040/Earths_Center_of_Gravity/]Store Page[/url] and [b]add the game to your wishlist[/b] in order to increase the game's wishlist number. This would increase our morale by [b]ensuring that the game is get to be noticed by more people[/b].
If there are features that you want in the game and we forgot, you can let us know directly.
[h3]Please don't forget to join our [b][url=https://discord.gg/DmQUARsFEn]Discord[/url][/b] channel to contact with us.[/h3]
[h3]Also don't forget to follow us on our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/42669497]Steam Page[/url] for our other titles.[/h3]
Hoping to hear from you during the Visual Novel Fest.