[h2]You are absolutely right. The game should have been released already.[/h2]
[b]However, we were unable to slow down.[/b]
[h3]Exceeding our promise of [b]doubling[/b] the game story, we [b]TRIPLED[/b] it.[/h3]
In addition, [b]together with a DLC[/b] which is almost as long as the half of the game. Apparently there is no end to the doors we'll open and the rooms we'll find in Tower Antiques.
Now we have to deal with that tripled story to fuse it with art and sounds, so we needed a new roadmap.
[h3]To discuss all of these and give your comments personally; you can contact with our tiny team on our [b][url=https://discord.gg/DmQUARsFEn]Discord[/url][/b] channel.[/h3]
Alright, without further delay... here is...
[h2]Our New Roadmap[/h2]
[*]Starting right now, putting the completed content (which is the triple amount) into order again (There providing high amount of replayability).
[*]Renovating the game engine (Actually this is complete up to some extend).
[*]Preparing the new visuals and arranging the musics (This part is the one that will take most time).
[*]Adding full keyboard gameplay support.
[*]Bringing the gallery and achievements to the game before release. (Gallery is the easy part, achievements are also... will eventually be added).
[*]In 2023-Q2 (Presumably toward the end of it) releasing a demo with the new content.
[*]In 2023-Q3 (Presumably toward the end of it) taking out the game from early access and releasing the full version.
Also fixing all new found bugs.
[h2]Do Not Forget to Wishlist The Game[/h2]
If this is the first time you are seeing the game, besides joining to our [b][url=https://discord.gg/DmQUARsFEn]Discord[/url][/b] channel, you can visit our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073040/Earths_Center_of_Gravity/]Store Page[/url] and [b]add the game to your wishlist[/b] in order to increase the game's wishlist number. This would increase our morale by [b]ensuring that the game is get to be noticed by more people[/b].
If there are features that you want in the game and we forgot, you can let us know directly.
[h2]Thank you for viewing our roadmap.[/h2]
[h3]Please don't forget to join our [b][url=https://discord.gg/DmQUARsFEn]Discord[/url][/b] channel to contact with us.[/h3]