Watch Developer Play

You can see developer play testing the game. May seem boring but it is progress anyway. You may also see the new roadmap in the related announcement. [h2]Do Not Forget to Wishlist The Game[/h2] If this is the first time you are seeing the game, besides joining to our [b][url=]Discord[/url][/b] channel, you can visit our [url=]Store Page[/url] and [b]add the game to your wishlist[/b] in order to increase the game's wishlist number. This would increase our morale by [b]ensuring that the game is get to be noticed by more people[/b]. If there are features that you want in the game and we forgot, you can let us know directly. [h3]Please don't forget to join our [b][url=]Discord[/url][/b] channel to contact with us.[/h3]