Third update will be made to the game soon. Please see it in [url=][b][u]Demo[/u][/b][/url] and send your feedbacks to us.
In this update, language config will be changed. Game should handle this change automatically. If it does not, we are here to help.
* Added Japanese(日本語) and Russian(Русский) story translation and interface localization texts.
[table noborder=1]
[tr][td][b]Japanese[/b] [/td][td][b] :[/b][/td][td]地球の重心[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Russian[/b] [/td][td][b] :[/b][/td][td]центр тяжести Земли[/td][/tr]
* Added cursor image for more game immersion
Bug fixes
* Translations for character names not getting updated on language change. : Fixed