VR Tunnelling Option, new post processing effects and experimental Track IR

Absolute Territory

Engage in futuristic space dogfights against large warships and enemy starfighters. Manage Newtonian flight physics and power settings, outwit and eliminate hostiles, and survive through hazardous mine and asteroid fields. Gripping action across the campaign and leaderboard game modes.

[b]Patch Notes[/b] 2.0.1 Release (20210820) Overview - Tunnelling can be disabled in options and an unsupported TrackIR implementation. [i]Visual[/i] [list] [*] Added - Auto Exposure and Ambient Occlusion Postprocessing Effects [*] Amend - Gameplay scene lighting adjusted to use the Skybox instead of constant color. [/list] [i]Gameplay[/i] [list] [*] Added - Toggle Tunnel Vision when using VR (Options > Game > VR Tunnelling [*] Added - An experimental and there not officially supported (I reserve the right to pull this feature at any time) Track IR implementation [/list] [i]VR[/i] [list] [*] Amend - Press CTRL-F12 to recenter the VR headset in the main menu and in flight [/list] [b]An important developed note on the current Track IR implementation[/b] As I don't own any Track IR hardware I cannot reasonably test this myself and has been classed as experimental and officially unsupported. If you enable Track IR the experience may be sub-par or entirely broken. I will do my best to work with any Track IR users willing to be guinea pigs and provide relevant feedback towards improving the implementation. That is no guarantee that Track IR will become an official feature in the game and I reserve the right to abandon any further development on it. [b]Enabling Track IR[/b] The command-line argument "-trackir" will be needed, I recommend you create a shortcut to the Standard game exe on your desktop and add the argument in the target box as exampled below. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35602730/61c4fa62d53f2379c8b702650394045c67cd0569.png[/img]