Finally, improved missiles?! Patch Notes: 2.4.3 Release (20240517)

Absolute Territory

Engage in futuristic space dogfights against large warships and enemy starfighters. Manage Newtonian flight physics and power settings, outwit and eliminate hostiles, and survive through hazardous mine and asteroid fields. Gripping action across the campaign and leaderboard game modes.

[b]2.4.3 Release (20240517)[/b] Overview - fixed some issues [list] [*] Fixed - Rebuilt executable which appears to solve Vomitoria occasionally disappearing after spawning in on the 2nd tutorial mission. Added logging in case this still happens. For any incidents, please send me the player.log on Discord. You'll also notice the missile lock periodically relocking, every 30 seconds, which is just the scripting reloading your missile ammo during tutorials only. [*] Fixed - Null reference error, when loading a mission file with any actions containing a group selection, in the Level Editor [*] Amend - All seeking missiles have better turning behavior but can still miss targets (like small stationary ones) [*] Amend - Heatseeker missile no longer used in default load-outs for player campaign faction due to its seeking requirement making it situational at best [/list]