VR Robotics Simulator leaves Early Access!

VR Robotics Simulator

Design, build and program robot cells in Virtual Reality.

It is time to bring VRRS out of Early Access. My original goal was to create a program that would allow users to create basic robot cells and perform simple reach studies in virtual reality. I feel that I am at a point where this goal has been achieved. I started the development of VRRS with no prior experience in 3D game development or modelling, and looking back I think this was a very ambitious project for my first application. Like most novice developers, I have learned a lot from my first release, and I want to thank all the people who downloaded VRRS and provided feedback. I tried my best to create an accessible application to allow users to explore robotics in VR without expensive subscription fees and licensing costs, so I hope this humble contribution to the body of work surrounding VR robotics will help at least a few people. As for what the future holds, I want to develop an actual 2D game. VR development has been an amazing experience but the time constraints I have now preclude any further serious development on VR applications. I will be sticking around, if you have any major issues or changes requests, please feel free to send me an email at mindrendtech@gmail.com. Thank you all for supporting us indie developers! Without people willing to invest in early access programs a lot of us wouldn't be around. Take care of yourselves, and good luck with whatever path lies before you.