Visitors Addition - v0.5.0.75

Deep Space Outpost

Deep Space Outpost is a space station building & survival game, involving resource and base management. Build your space station tile by tile, mine asteroids, refine materials and keep your station operational.

Visitors have been added to the game. Traders that call at your station may ask for disembark permission, and if given will allow passengers to disembark. This new feature allows you to earn additional credits for your station. Fees for visitors can be set in the new visitor charges window (in the communications panel, visitor charges button near the top right). New jukebox music feature has also been expanded so that you can play your own music tracks. Each folder you create in %localappdata%/DeepSpaceOutpost/music creates a channel in your jukebox, and each music track added to those folders will be loaded for that channel. Note music must be in OGG format. (Linux: Home/.config/DeepSpaceOutpost/music) Patch notes:- [list] [*]Visitors added to traders. [*]Traders now request disembark permission. [*]Visitor charges windows (via communications panel). [*]Credits earnt added to end game stats. [*]Improve: Game will load user music from specified folders (ogg format). [*]Improve: Traders status can now scroll in info windows if text too long for display area. [*]Improve: Credits earnt now show coin icon (on visitor/trader) and sfx. [*]Improve: Jukebox animated on non main channel. [*]Fix: Cannon turret bullets not being stored in save file. [*]Fix: Cannon turret fx not frozen when game paused. [/list]