New Storm Type & More Improvements - v0.5.0.82

Deep Space Outpost

Deep Space Outpost is a space station building & survival game, involving resource and base management. Build your space station tile by tile, mine asteroids, refine materials and keep your station operational.

Have a new magnetic storm type, this will slow movement for your workers when outside, and increase wear and tear on production items. Whilst looking at storms, i've also added more chance of damage to solar panels, when the existing solar storm occurs. Have had lots of good feedback over last week, so have also added several improvements requested or i've remembered. Main one is that workers now choose repair jobs based on closeness (now same as build). But have added a make top priority button (next to fix icon), which will bump repair or build to next in line. Full notes: [list] [*] Magnetic storm type added - outside movement slowed. [*] Repair job selection now based on proximity (same as construction jobs). [*] Repair and construction jobs can be made 'top priority job', so will be picked up ahead of proximity jobs. [*] Selecting a worker will show destination square if moving. [*] Message board now has a pin. [*] Message board now expands for 5 seconds with high priority messages. [*] Message board notification sound limited to once every 5 seconds (for when lots of messages coming through). [/list] Nick