New Wall Reinforce Upgrade - v0.5.0.103

Deep Space Outpost

Deep Space Outpost is a space station building & survival game, involving resource and base management. Build your space station tile by tile, mine asteroids, refine materials and keep your station operational.

New reinforce upgrade can now be applied to walls once their schematic is unlocked via research. Similar to upgrading droids, in the wall info window click the research icon, and purchase via the popup upgrade window (if you have the metal available). You can also upgrade via selecting multiple walls, however walls must be at 100% health to upgrade. Upgrading walls is classified as a build type job for your workers, Full notes:- [list] [*] Wall reinforce upgrade added to research. [*] Wall upgrade available, once researched (new wall reinforce graphics applied). [*] Workers build job check now also look for upgrade wall jobs. [*] Improve: Cannon projectile FX improved. [*] Fix: Adjust research and info windows for 125% text scale, to keep text in window. [*] Fix: Draggable windows now reset to centre screen on resolution change in game. [/list] Nick