A Few Improvements - v0.5.0.87

Deep Space Outpost

Deep Space Outpost is a space station building & survival game, involving resource and base management. Build your space station tile by tile, mine asteroids, refine materials and keep your station operational.

Just a little update, with a few improvements. Couple of new messages, stating that pirates are stealing your resources and now a warning of approaching storm. Also a fix for a possible crash when pirates would be stealing scrap in some circumstances. That's all in this one, as i've spent a couple of days testing an engine update, which fixes custom music loading, but seems to break Ubuntu builds. So still waiting for a further fix here. Notes:- [list] [*]Improve: Pirate stealing notification added. [*]Improve: Add a "storm due at x" notification message. [*]Fix: Pirate grabbing scrap, make sure exists in draw (something else destroyed it). [/list]