Version 1.1 playtest is now live!


Lead your Viking clan onto unknown shores and carve out a future for your people in the fjords of Frozenheim. Gather resources, expand, and watch your settlement grow to a bustling town that will withstand the harshness of winter and wrath of other clans.

[h2]Northernfolk![/h2] [b]Frozenheim[/b] is undergoing a lot changes and improvements based on your generous feedback and critique. The 1.1 release is coming soon, and since this first major post-launch update we want it to go as smoothly as possible. That's why before the official release, we want to invite you to check out the new version head of time and give us your thoughts, so we can polish the game even further before rolling out the update to everyone. Yes, EVERYONE. You don't need to own Frozenheim to participate in the playtest. [h2]Join the playtest![/h2] You can opt-in to participate in the playtest using the widget on the store page. You will be granted access within 24 hours. There is no limit to the number of people who can participate in the playtest, but we will be granting access in daily batches. The playtest will remain active for at least one week. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40033268/7623007ede4db5ceb98a1ff0058a1c5cfeb784c7.png[/img] The playtest is starting shortly (might even happen tomorrow!) and you can already apply for participation by clicking the [b]Request Access[/b] button in the "Join the Playtest" widget (or "join the uninitialized", whenever the Steam client acts up) on the Frozenheim Storepage. Please make sure to give us your feedback after your play session. Please do so using the following [h1][url=]PLAYTEST FEEDBACK FORM[/url][/h1] [h2]Changelog[/h2] You might be wondering what's coming in 1.1 - here's a list of changes that you can already check out by participating in the playtest. [h3]Major Changes:[/h3] [b]Features:[/b] [list] [*] [b]AI logic has been completely reworked[/b] [*] Added slinger unit [*] Added auto attack of enemy buildings in range [*] Added endgame statistics [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] AI can now build and utilize Outposts [*] AI use siege weapons properly [*] AI building system rework [*] Fixed support of water for procedural maps [*] Improvements for unit movement during combat [/list] [h2] Miscellaneous changes:[/h2] [b]Other fixes:[/b] [list][*] AI now properly utilizes use of marketplace building [*] AI rebuilds buildings after destruction [*] Sound and skip action of game intro has been fixed [*] Fixes for ship disembark and navigation [*] Fix for issues with cinematic in campaign 4 [*] Fix for not being able to upgrade buildings in some cases [*] Fix for align to units with shortcut [*] Performance improvements for large unit count [*] Fix team display after load on generated maps [*] Fix for AI getting stuck after destroying Victory hall [*] Fix hunting zone indicators appearing over Fog [*] Fix for AI resource gathering issues in some cases [*] Fix for catapults not attacking in some cases [*] Fixes for German localization [*] Fixes for cursor not changing properly in some cases [*] Fix for Ships that could moor into buildings on the shore [*] Fix fire VFX of outposts [*] Fix for campaign mission not unlocking correctly in some cases [*] Fix for archers playing tricks and shooting enemies while standing back to them in some cases [*] Fix for mission cinematics replaying after load [*] Fix for camera going under water in photomode [*] Blocked building placement over boats [*] Fix for time deceleration key causing camera jump out of level [/list] [b]Balance changes:[/b] [list] [*] Reduce Archer damage from 45 -> 35 [*] Reduce Battering ram health 1100 -> 900 [*] Reduce Battering ram damage 800 -> 600 [/list] That's it for today, please join the playtest if you want to help us to... [h2]Make Odin proud![/h2] [h3]Sincerely, [/h3] [h2]Paranoid Interactive & Hyperstrange[/h2]