v3.0.4 Patch Notes

Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator

Ages of Conflict is a versatile Map Simulation game where you spawn and observe custom or random AI nations battle it out across an infinite number of worlds. Command nations to nudge the world events into your liking.

[h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*] Added a new World AI Setting for "Looping Map". If turned on, nations can expand through the left and right sides [*] Added crossings across the Pacific to Normal and Small World Maps[*] You can now see the number of cities on scenarios and savefiles in the main menu [*] Savefile listing now shows when each save file was edited. Savefiles are also ordered from newest to oldest [/list] [h3]Bugfixes & Improvements[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the rightful owners of cities were not saved on save files if the nation was dead [*] Fixed a bug where if you pressed Restart during a simulation, some current nation data was transferred to the corresponding nations in the reset [*] Fixed a bug where the land counter in Map editor did not work properly when undoing bucket tool [*] Fixed a bug where save file folder tooltip didn't show correctly in some languages [*] Fixed a bug where speed was not going to 5x sometimes [*] Fixed an issue where the Main menu scrollbars would become too small to see if you had too many items in the list [*] Fixed a bunch of terrain in Large World Map [*] Fixed a few territories and names in Large World Map Scenario [*] Fixed a typo, one capital and some colors and borders in a couple Europe Scenarios [*] United States Scenario now also starts in 2024 [*] Audio Settings sliders now go from 0 to 40 instead of -40 to 0 [*] Fullscreen, pixel font and joystick settings can now also be toggled by pressing the label [*] Adjusted main menu button colors [*] Improved the gold and skull icons in Nation View panel [/list]