V1.1.1d is now live!

MonsterxMan: Inheritence To Lust

This is a semi linear adventure that takes inspiration from Shin Megami Tensei, and is big about interacting with everything and everyone around you. You can talk to enemies, and even recruit and date specific ones! All around, 6~8 hours of free RPG fun from Hexadecimal Studios.

Huzzah! We finally updated a whole letter! Oddly enough, not much was fixed this time around, minus just an *cough* incredibly hard battle that is pretty much impossible to win. Well, that; and some nerfs to a particularly incredibly difficult battle in the Battle Chateaux. Oh, and also we updated our Home Page to display our company website, along with our updated Logo. Please continue to have fun with Inheritence to Lust, as we continue onward :D [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32451477/4fbe6a0891d1251cd68253575628c1c6b7c305bf.gif[/img]