Hexxxtension Finale and Game Base Update Inbound!!!

MonsterxMan: Inheritence To Lust

This is a semi linear adventure that takes inspiration from Shin Megami Tensei, and is big about interacting with everything and everyone around you. You can talk to enemies, and even recruit and date specific ones! All around, 6~8 hours of free RPG fun from Hexadecimal Studios.

Heyo everyone! It's been a beautiful past three months ever since we launched onto Steam. One of the overall goals of MonsterxMan Inheritence to Lust was to have a certain amount of Units Shipped and Downloaded; thanks to your amazing support, we have crushed that number! As a reward for this, we are launching the full Hexxxtension, a "your choices WILL matter" extension to the main story that is playable post the final boss if you choose. Previously, the Hexxxtension was being released in parts to Windows users only, however come tomorrow, we'll launch the full Hexxxtension for Linux and Mac Users, as well as WIndows users. In addition to the Hexxxtension, there have been base game changes to better streamline the game, and add an additional layer of polish as an additional thank you for all your wonderful support so far. Things included with the Hexxxtension: 5 endings! Additional 3~4 hours of gameplay! Revelation of the D E E P L O R E Tie in with a partner studio's title More Mongirls! More Tracks! More Stuffs! Can't give a guarantee to the time, but the update will happen tomorrow on Monday, 7-29-2018. Keep in mind, as its an update, there are most likely to be bugs abound (even though I spent ALOT of time trying to squash most of the bugs) so make sure to highlight them and mark them down over at Bug Reporting as "Hexxxtension" (Protip; Two of the Endings are NOT bugs, as they are the result of your poor choices.) Thank you again for supporting us so far, and please remember; MonsterxMan Inheritance to Lust, along with its Hexxxtension is completely free, and you'll never pay a cent for any of its content. It's been a crazy journey, but finally, we're here at the end. Please support us in the future as we continue to work on more projects, both in the MonsterxMan series, and in our non MxM series works. You've all been amazing! :D ~Love Lumie~ [url=https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32451477/1a81b74c628db8ff6e4bd4e091800a2eae8b8c09.png][img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32451477/13d917abf3bea3d178b076bb57349f3ee2f75538.png[/img][/url]