V.1.1.1a is now out!

MonsterxMan: Inheritence To Lust

This is a semi linear adventure that takes inspiration from Shin Megami Tensei, and is big about interacting with everything and everyone around you. You can talk to enemies, and even recruit and date specific ones! All around, 6~8 hours of free RPG fun from Hexadecimal Studios.

Its Monday! Huzzah! This means that the first preview for the Hexxxtension add on to MxM is now live. (Windows users only atm) [Sorry Linux and Mac users, want to suss everything perfect before triple uploads] Also, introducing the Chocolate and Strawberry Base Patch! What is Chocolate and Strawberry Base Patch? Well, its a patch to the base game before the Hexxxtension, which adds some chocolate assets [edited vanilla sprites] and strawberry assets [new music/sprites] This is done solely for flavor, and to make the base game a little bit more aesthetic. Major changes in Base: All men outside of the MC and Monastary have been replaced. No two characters have the identical sprite Animals! Music changes to Penultimate and Final Boss. Various bugs squashed. How to enter the Hexxxtension: This is more so prep for more Hexxxtension updates, so you are really only able to play up to one mission atm. To begin the Hexxxtension, defeat the final boss... OR put in a super duper secret code at the Age Gate in the beginning of the game. Hint: It's one day after my birthday this year, and I just turned 29 on the 10th of May this year. With the Hexxxtension prep will probably come some bugs, so make sure to hunt them out and report them over at bug reports. Things that I'm aware of Visual bug regarding Spike Traps. All updates past today will be additions to the Hexxxtension, and bug fixes [if any] to the base.