V.1.1.1b is now live!

MonsterxMan: Inheritence To Lust

This is a semi linear adventure that takes inspiration from Shin Megami Tensei, and is big about interacting with everything and everyone around you. You can talk to enemies, and even recruit and date specific ones! All around, 6~8 hours of free RPG fun from Hexadecimal Studios.

V.1.1.1b is now up! Changes: Bug Fix of Instant Hexxxtension New Game Plus Removed Bonuses from the beginning [base game] Added: Mission 2 of Hexxxtension! Noteable bug If you have saved at the end of Mission 1 of Hexxxtension V.1.1.1a, you'll sometimes find a black screen. Press enter/right click when this happens. Interesting note from Mission 1 and Mission 2. Your choices in mission 1 will directly effect mission 2. Likewise, your decisions from mission 2 will directly effect mission 3. Mission 3 delivery timeline: About Friday/Saturday 8:00 PM EST depending on IRL stuffs. Cheers and viel gluck!