
Empires in Ruins

The bastard child of Grand Strategy and Tower Defense, with a black humor infused plot, set in a grim, disillusioned world. Quell the rebellion, tame the Western Marches, disobey your orders and save your brandy. Not strictly in this order.

Hello, a few more fixes and polishing thingies while we are preparing yet another localization that will go online soon! [b]v1.032[/b] [list] [*] Added a possible fix for Japanese missing fonts [*] Fixed a bug with the quelling of a province time not updating [*] Fixed a bug with a string substitution in quellin of the province time [*] Fixed the superposition of some province names on the main map [*] Fixed a UI overflow on the attack progress UI elements [*] Improved the decisional AI of the governors for the building of Assets [*] Fixed a bug that printed the wrong upgrade level on tooltip when hovering towers buttons [*] Fixed a bug in visualization of the health of a worker upon returning to the headquarters [*] Fixed a UI overflow in some languages on the leaderboards summary panel [*] Fixed a UI overflow in some languages on the end-of-battle panels buttons [/list]